Our youngest daughter has been doing bellydance since she was 12. She really loves it, and has gotten quite good. It is fun to watch her and hear the music she dances to. It makes me want to leap up and wiggle my bits all over the place. Finally, after a year and a half of thinking I was too fat and too old, I convinced my friend Kimmie to sign up for a bellydancing class with me. Once we started, we found out that bellydance is for ANY size, shape, or age of woman. We've been taking belly dancing class for the past 8 weeks from our darling teacher, Shannon, who is an art therapist during the day. Man, is it fun. My body hurts every Friday morning. We must have jiggled something loose this past Thursday evening because I am still sore today. It's a good sore, though.
I started taking Yoga class too in order to get in touch with my own body. For so long I've ignored everything below my neck. I've lived inside my head and my hands since going through major depression several years ago. All I did was listen to books on CD and sew or journal. I would walk sometimes, but not very often.
Little by little, I am noticing that I can move more easily. I can actually tie my shoes and breathe at the same time again. It may not sound like much, but for me it's huge.
Another great thing about taking the classes is spending time outside of work with my friend Kimmie. I also find that I enjoy being around other women. I didn't used to like it. I always felt more in competition with other women than like bonding with them. Maybe I am finally developing a comfort with my self, some self confidence. Enough so that I can find joy in others instead of worrying about whether or not they are "better" than me.
Labels: Bellydance, Family, Journal, Me