
Pamela Pickard: Magpie of the world!

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Went on a tour of some of our plants in South Carolina and Georgia. Learned a great deal about the geometry of our newly aquired part numbers. Stuff I had never seen before but will be auditing in the near future.

Blah, blah, blah. Work stuff is not as exciting to write about as it is to work on.

In a few weeks I get to travel with my oldest daughter to register for her college classes. It's only a 2-hour drive, but it feels like forever when I think of my precious baby moving that far away from us soon.

She has always been the snuggliest one of our three girls. Even the cats prefer her to anyone else in the house. When one of the kitties crawls onto her lap, she stays where she is until the cat decides to leave. She rarely makes the cat move so she can get up.

The kitties will miss her, but not as much as I will.