My friend Phil married Neill (pronounced kneel - and yes she is a female). Their wedding cake was german chocolate. Brilliant, and tasty too.

Fabric, my reward to myself for, um, clearing up my fabric stash.

Phil's wedding reception: finger-food heaven.

Don and me misbehaving in church. *Flashbulb!*

Silly me.

Small trial quilt as a test for a King-sized quilt that I am making from Kaffe Fasset fabrics. It will be the first quilt that I have ever made for my own self. To keep.

Olvia, so far, has survived all the smooching of every person who comes in contact with her. Things are different to those exposed to her crippling cuteness. Knees are weak all over town. Olivia is catching.

Santa came to work. He gave this little girl some candy.

Thanksgiving 2009, me at my folks' house. That's my dad.

The quilt I made for Don's daughter Deanna. I used some of her late mom's dresses.

Boy George. My baby boy.
Olive Rose fabric. Huge roses. Wish I had bought more than one yard. It's dramatic and happy. I love this fabric!!!
Studio sorted and organized.
Yes, I quiver when I walk into there.
Labels: Fabric, Family, Friends, Me, Quilties
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