
Pamela Pickard: Magpie of the world!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My Current Purse Journal

I bought this journal at Pat Catan's back in January to keep track of my bellydance moves from class. I keep it with me in my purse and tend to jot everything into it. It's a little (3 1/2" x 5 1/2") Hardbook by Global Materials, Inc. You can see from some of the scans that it has gotten wet a few times. I don't care. I like it even better with wear & tear.


Night Shots


Friday, June 15, 2007

Look What I Found In The Cemetary Where I like To Go Eat My Lunch.

Mommy killdeer with clutch of eggs.

Mommy plays injured to try and draw me away from her nest.

Poor mommy! I have disturbed her enough.
I went back after a few days, and nothing was in the nest, not even an eggshell or a feather. I am hoping the chicks hatched and were escorted away by mom.

Could This Child BEEEEEEE ANY Cuter?!!!

Anna'a bellydancing Hafla was last weekend. She did a fantastic job. I had no idea she could move so well, so gracefully. She doesn't like to show me her bellydance moves at home, but out on the floor in front of hundreds of strangers she ...she FLOWED. I was mesmerized by her grace and beauty. I am so proud I could burst.
These are the ladies of Anna's troupe. That's Anna 2nd from the left. They are not really that short. They are dancing on their knees.

These are the ladies (and men) of MY troupe: Haley the beautiful and bouncy, Holly (a gorgeous, talented also-dancer friend), Nancy the Incredibly Wonderful, and Will the Love-of-Nancy's-life-also-refered-to-as-Harry-Potter-by-me-which-does-not-please-him. That's hubby Dan the Wildly Amazing Guy in the background. He is in the background so his cuteness will not overwhelm you.

Haley and Holly. They must run away or be smooched soundly!