Fabric journals are my thing. I usually forget to take pictures of them before I give them away or sell them. In fact, I just made my first "official" commission from 2nd April Galerie located in Downtown Canton, Ohio: I sold one journal for $200.00 and one for $100.00. I danced around the house waiving my check in the air and making squealie noises. It is very affirming to sell one's own art.
The next project has begun: yet another quirky quilted journal. Here is the front cover. I haven't decided on the title yet. I'll add that later using embellishments after it's quilted with bright pearl cotton.

Here is the back cover. Don't you just love the batik-star fabric? It feels as soft as a baby's butt.

Most of the images I use, I download from the web. I try to change something about them to avoid copyright infringement. If you see one of your protected images up here. please let me know. I would be happy to chop it up, make it unrecognizable, and then sew it back on my journal to avoid your wrath. Or, I'll just save the journal for a gift for a family memeber instead of trying to sell it. I only use images that tickle my pickle!
Labels: Fabric Book, Journal, Quilties