
Pamela Pickard: Magpie of the world!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Spirit in Motion, Ass on Couch

Anyway...I started sorting through my packed items, unloading baskets and bins, organizing some of my doodads and whatnots. I haven't even got everything moved out of the house yet, but what I do have moved is stacked all over hell's half acre. I tried to reduce before I packed, but I finally gave up and just threw it all in the car.

This has been an emotional, mixed up, overwhelming, sad, giddy, silly, busy Fall and Winter. Hopefully things have settled down a bit and I can shake this non-mono, non-strep, whateverthehellitis that's making mytonsils into giant strawberries. Thanks to some fine, fine modern chemical intervention, the tonsils are shrinking a little. I can swallow now. (Don't get all excited, fellahs. That's not what I meant, you pervs.)

I am getting a look at the pictures from the Spirit in Motion bellydance benefit over on tribe.net. (Thanks, Cheryl and Nicole!) My friends all look so happy and beautiful. Tribal Fire's Pirate number looks like it was a hoot! Thanks to Shanrae's hard work, and the work of many other people, but mostly Shanrae's drive and determination, the benefit raised over $2,100.00 this year for Akron Children's Hospital. I can't say I had much to do with that amazing feat this year, I was a lot out of it over here on Planet Pam. What I can say is that I am so proud of the company I keep and the friends I have made in the wonderful world of bellydance. They never give up, they always come through, and they a fun as heck!

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